The Lion, The Witch, and the Wedding Website

So today has been uneventful. As of late, life has become a well paced relaxed lull. I like, because when the stressful things come flying in from every direction, they don't faze me and I have tons of energy waiting on getting them settled.

Take the wedding blog for an example. While this may seem like something easily done, it is no small task. I hate working on it, even though I know everyone needs to know what is going on and blah blah blah. I just wish there was a way for them to just somehow know where to go, so I didn't have to write 8 different sets of directions. Oh well. I can't wait till a couple of days after the wedding so I can look at the site one last time, and then click the word "delete webpage". That will be a glorious moment. Take that stupid website! See if you ever haunt my dreams!

Other than the website stuff, I've been able to relax quite well recently. I've picked up the Chronicles of Narnia series and I LOVE it! The stories are so well written, so well put together, and so much imagination in them. I can't wait for night snuggles with my wife and kids as I read the adventures of Caspian, Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy. Those days will be a blessing.

It's actually quite a cool concept that C.S. Lewis employed when he wrote the series. Apparently, he wanted Jesus to be the model for Aslan (the super cool lion who comes at the most needed times). He wanted a story were, as the child grew up reading them, could slowly put two and two together and love Jesus like they did Aslan when they were younger. By doing this, Lewis also catered to adults, because you can see elements within the lines that a child wouldn't. My only regret is that I didn't read them as a child when my imagination soared.

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