Finding a lesson of faith through Dr. House

"These have come so that your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed."
1 Peter 1:7 (NIV)

This scripture has always captivated me in its power. But even before I get to this scripture, I think I need to speak on how I actually came across this.

It was a normal school day for me during the spring semester. I had just returned from my Chemistry class, and had a couple of hours to kill before Italian. So what does a 21 year-old student do when he is bored? Contrary to popular belief, it is actually watch/listen/play something (and not under the influence). I had been going through a House kick and put in season 1 that I had just bought. An odd thing about Dr. House is the tried and true method of his medical practice. I have watched so many episodes and most of them have this formula:

1 patient with weird symptoms+ 1st treatment - 1st treatment +2nd treatment after some revelation that the team didn't know before = a healthy patient and Dr. House learning something about himself or one of his underlings.

I love change, but the consistency of the tv show brings me happiness as well. Anyways, there was an episode where a nun has some weird problem (totally forgot what it ended up being at the end though) and when one of the doctors talks to her, he quotes 1 Peter 1:7 as his favorite verse from the Bible. After hearing the scripture, I ran to grab my Bible and I truly soaked it in.

Until I moved to Richmond, my faith had been extremely stale. But recently, I have been diving head first into His word, and haven't stopped since. I believe this scripture spoke to me via House. Weird, I know. However, throughout my life, I have been tested and tested and I can say that my faith has grown stronger because of it.

C.S. Lewis once said, “Faith... is the art of holding on to things your reason once accepted, despite your changing moods.” and I agree with him full-heartedly.

My life has moved through many different "moods", but my faith will always stay strong. He has shown me way too much for me to turn away. If there's anything I would want you, reader, to take from this is this:

1) that, if you are a Christian, that you have your eyes and ears open to recieve God's message through any medium. and
2) may your faith be proved genuine for Him.

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