5 More Years to Go!

"The man who removes a mountain begins by carrying away small stones."
William Faulkner

"When I grow up, I want to be a professor of American Literature, just like you daddy!" This was the nightmare that encountered my dreams last night. In fact, I didn't truly realize that it was a nightmare until this morning.

As an English student, I fully understand the concept of masochism: a type of pain inflicted upon oneself for personal gratification (see also: reading James Joyce and writing on societal concepts within a selected text). You see, in order to obtain my dream job as a professor, I must obtain not only a BA, but an MFA, and then a PhD.

This situation is great, because I love to go in depth with stories in a classroom environment. But it is also disheartening, knowing that I have so many more papers to write, so many more novels to read in depth, so many more textual analyses, and so many more lectures to attend.

Whatever the case may be, I am more than happy to endure the pains of school assignments to do something that has so much value for myself. But not only will obtaining a PhD be such an accomplishment for myself, it will also be great for my family. On both my Mum's and my Dad's side, I will be the first Matthews to have a Masters and a Doctorate degree, EVER!

This is a great blessing that God has put on my plate. One that constantly reminds me of how great and amazing He is.

Nonetheless, I want my future children to enjoy the full experience of college, without all of the stress that comes along with it.

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