Dried Kleenexes

Life is the way it is because God deems it be so. Or I think that's the way I wanted to say it. Anyways, nothing has really happened lately. I woke up late, thus making classes that much more interesting when I didn't hafta go to them!

Liz and I watched David Schwimmer's first directed film "Run Fatboy, Run!". It was a good British romance comedy that had me roaring at parts. It was no "You've Got Mail" (F...O...X) mind you, but the themes were cute. To tell the truth I was just glad to hang out with Liz and do a little detoxing. This whole Grad School situation has set me on a God-reliance purge, and it was good just to be with Liz and realize that there are some fun small things that we do together that I fail to recognize at times. For example, one of the best things for someone to have is a sick buddy. Recently, I became sick with the cold. My side table was filled with the snot-crusted rags of a dull, flem-filled day. Then to my own felicity Liz entered to take care of me! What would come next after her constant runs for more medicine/ soup, but for her to catch it after I started to feel better. That's why I love relationships! You share EVERYTHING, even your sicknesses.

So now came my turn today to help her feel better. She's so much easier to take care of than I was. Well, at least, she's not as needy as I can be when I'm sick. Really all I had to do was watch a movie with her and give her the remnants of my medicine. Thank God, the movie wasn't the A&E Pride and Prejudice though, I can't stand 6 hours of "Will they get together?" "Oh NO! Mr. Darcy wrote Elizabeth Bennet a LETTER! What will she EVER DO!" arg! I love Liz and I don't mind Ms. Austen much, but I just didn't want to deal with that movie/book at any time today. Maybe this weekend Lizzie, but NOT anytime this week.

This aversion for such sappy/predictable stories is birthed from the recent Hemingway writings I have been reading. That guy does not know how to write a proper woman. I feel as if he writes the female in a way that he would want them to act, instead of how actual women act. In fact, after having read "The Sun Also Rises" twice this year, and now reading "A Farewell to Arms", I have come with this idea as a Senior Seminar topic.

Allow me to explain:
A senior seminar is something that English majors at VCU have to write in order to show that they have understood the many principles and schools of literary criticism by writing a paper situating oneself in an academic discourse over a certain literary work/author/concept. Though I have already written two 15 pagers (thank you independents studies!), this one should only have to be around 13-15. I hope that it doesn't take me too long. However, I guess I better start writing big papers now if I want to get a leg up for Law school!

I'll leave you with this thought: which would be a better topic to write about?

a) certain situations about my life in a cynical tone (even if the character curses and can be a jerk in his own thoughts)

b) things I dream about during my own musings (ie: saving a person's life during WWI [thanks Hemingway!])


c) a story about a man forced to take care of his son, after the death of his wife. (ie: learning all the cool new toys and what a PTA meeting is and so forth.).

I just need a cool topic to write about during this whole year-off thing, and so I'm brainstorming. But alas! I can only read the greats, and I may never become one.This is Ernest Hemingway when he was an ambulance driver in Italy during WW1. He got the crutches because he was wounded on July 8, 1918.
He once said "There is no friend as loyal as a book". I take that to heart and hope to make one friend-worthy one of these days!

1 Thoughts on my thoughts:

Jenny said...

I think option A would be the most original, and the best way to let yourself shine. The other two ideas, though solid, I feel like I've read before.


~Jenny (not to be confused with Della Reese)

PS The word verification for this comment is "DINGLA," which cracks me up for some reason.