I Love You

I think that one of the most single greatest things that Liz does is love me. Honestly, through any argument she has been able to show exponential amounts of love. The love she shows me, is a love that grows in time, encourages, and is comforting. I'm glad she's the one I get to see walk down that aisle, dance (like retards) with, and have movie nights with. All in all, when it comes to Liz's sole character, it IS love. That's a cool thing to know, and I'm certain all of my readers who know this woman can attest to the genuine love she radiates. It is truly amazing.

Wow Ryan, how did that come up?

Well, like all of my emotions when regarding Liz, they come quickly and like a huge wave. I feel so much love from this woman, that I can't even begin to explain the sheer beauty of her love. It's awesome.

The whole spark started at Bed, Bath, and Beyond earlier today. We finished our registry there (YAY!). Going up and down, around and through the aisles made me realize that "hey, this is for real". I couldn't help but keep looking over at Liz and thinking "we're here because this woman loves me. Stupid jokes, graying hair, and all. She loves me". It felt like that moment in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" when the girl reindeer tells Rudolph he's cute and he ends up flying (she thinks I'm cuuuuuuuttteee!). You get the picture.

So really, this was a soapbox moment for me to see how lucky I am to have this awesome woman who loves me regardless of my faults and craziness.

I love you, dear.

Gazebos and me being a Hobo

I really need to get new pictures up on here of me and the lady. I've begun to notice that there are many photos of us that somehow never make it on the internet. Maybe that's because my stepmom doesn't post her awesome photos online. Hmmm. Maybe Liz and I should show her how to setup a Flickr account so I can constantly steal stuff from her. Mwahahaha.

The pic to the left is the most recent one I can find. This is when the both of us double dated with Christopher and Caitlan at an awesome sushi place in the Shockhoe Slip, circa June 5th-ish.

I'm hanging at my workplace, getting ready to work in a few hours. What I don't understand is how I can relax at Starbucks, even though i know that I hafta get ready to work in a bit. It's a little odd.

Cool news of the day: actually SOME cool news...

- As I speak, i am sipping a french press of the best coffee ever: Gazebo Blend. Many can debate this, but I love it's high acidity, and citrus notes that speak "Yo bro, it's time for Summer...be ready!". I kinda had to break into a box in the back and secretly hide it from the suspecting customers so they wouldn't know what I had. It's ok though, I'm a coffee master and allowed to sample new coffees. As much as I dislike the pay, and crummy hours, this job has some amazing perks. Free french pressed coffee included!

- I came back from a Barnes and Noble trip. I returned Russell Brand's book "My Booky Wook", not because it wasn't funny. It was, trust me. I returned it because of its content. I recognize that the guy has been through a ton and is lost in a sea of bad decisions. However, the way he writes about these things makes me feel like he isn't too regrettable about them. Like a drug addict writing a memoir in the midst of recovery. Maybe that was the point, use the book as a form of recovery. It does bother me though. Bleh.
So when I returned it, I picked up "One Second After" by William R. Forstchen. I'm so glad I can pick up what I call "Mind Trash" just because I don't need to read "Moby Dick" within a week's amount of time. At least the book looked neat. I appreciate end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it type of books (If you don't know what I mean, read "Brave New World" by Aldous Huxley, you'll thank me for it.). I think this counts as Sci-Fi, which I haven't been able to enjoy since Undergrad school started, so we'll see. I need mind=numbing reading right now. Too many other things to think about at the moment.

Long Time, No Blog!

So I just recently noticed my lack of blogging! Erg, it tends to bother me when I haven't written in awhile. Then, when I find time to sit down and write, I tend to neglect all the cool things happening in my life recently. Well, have no fear: I'll give it to you in a nutshell!

-Went home for a weekend with Liz to start up the whole Pre-Marital counseling that is required. I like how this is all working out. Sifting through an enormous questionnaire with odd questions, however, is not what I expected. For example "Define Marriage..." Ok, I can do that. But my mind races through so many exceptions to this rule such as "do they want the governmental definition? How about the Conservative, right-wing answer?". Then when I finally come to a logical conclusion that somewhat resembles an acceptable answer, I get hit with this underneath: "Please give scriptural references to support your answer". Now I know my Bible, I read often, but seriously? I thought that's what you guys would do for me! Isn't that why we're getting PRE-marital counseling? Well, I guess that's how life is. A simple yes or no won't do sometimes. I'm excited to start this aspect with Lizzie!

-Deanna dropped by Liz's during that weekend and they did cool girly things together. When I drove the two of them around to find the Purple Cow, it was nowhere to be found! What Happened?! People of the Hampton Roads area, why did you not tell me? I love purple vanilla milkshakes. I NEED THEM!

-Liz and I headed then to a magical land that is otherwise known as Nags Head. It was filled with great food, reading, laying in the sun, and wishing I had a wetsuit. I used to hate the beach and how the sand gets everywhere. Not anymore though. I just wanted the water to be warmer so I could swim in the ocean for more than five minutes. One of my favorite beach things is to jump with the waves and laugh whenever one of my friends wipes out. All in all though, I got to really spend some close time with family.

- Today is Father's Day! When we were in Nags Head, Liz and I taught my Dad how to play cribbage which is foretelling, now that he is a Granddaddy. Pretty soon he'll be widdling or sitting on the front porch for long hours staring into the distance. I love that guy. I want to take him back into a church with me like we used to do. Seriously, he was relentless. I love his constant "we're going to church" attitude. I'd fake sickness or tiredness and he'd still somehow get me out of bed on time to make Sunday school. His constant persistence in my welfare with God has helped me solidify my relationship with Him. Thanks Dad, I love you. And so does the main Dad.

Oh Liz!

Poor Liz. :(

I went over to her place to pick up some leftover pizza she offered, only to find her on her living room floor with a sea of papers placed all around her. Seriously, I have never seen the woman so flustered over a class. I know it's because she's a perfectionist and really wants to do well on the final exam. I just miss her. Once I grabbed the pizza, I asked if there was anything I could do for her (ie: prayer, run errands, cook etc...).

Her response: "I'm neither mad, angry, nor sad at you. I'm just stressed, and I honestly need you to leave so I can get this all done."

So I left. I cried a quick tear too. I know she needs her space for all of this stuff, it's just that I miss her soo much. At least when we are far away, we get to talk on the phone a bit. Because of this summer school, I haven't had my Liz time that I'm used to. I know she'll get all she needs done, and on time though.

I wanna do something for her. I'm planning on taking her Sunday shift and giving her the money she would be paid for working it just so she can have a breather. She needs it, and I don't mind working for her. Plus, she hasn't been able to make it to church lately, and I feel that it's important. So, let's hope she's down with this idea, because I feel ready to help!

Oh Liz, you work sooo hard for your work! I can't wait to be your husband and hold you when things like this happen for Grad School. At least then I'll be able to cook and cuddle at a moment's notice.

Did some of the wedding website...hafta make some construction changes per Liz's request. Did some registry stuff, but then again I need Lizzie for that too because I'm not too good when it comes to picking lamps and all.

Not All Who Wonder Are Lost

Today seems to be completely opposite from yesterday. Liz has been working her butt off for her summer school classes, and as a result, I have been completely bored when I'm not working! Most of my friends can hang out, but only for a couple of hours. So as the time passes, I get left with nothing to do by myself. Seriously, you would think that I would have so much to do on days like this, but honestly, I get pretty bored. I've already hung out with God, played video games, and I know it sounds weird, but I can't read the next book on my Summer Reading list I made.

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" is finished, but emotionally draining. I realized that all of my books are going to be this way, and so I need a break between each one I read.

Oh well. Poor Liz, I think she'd rather be bored than writing craptons of essays.

I'm on a mission today. I have to revamp certain areas of our wedding website, get hold of my Grandpa for timeshare info, and even finish our registry. Liz will then go over everything else and make sure it looks cool. It's nice to know she trusts me with everything. Love that girl...

This David Book-Thingy

Yesterday, I began the arduous task of writing the David book. Well, at least the preliminary aspects of it. The plan goes as follows (subject to change at God's discretion, after all it IS for Him):

1. Read, Read, re-read, and did I mention read 1st, 2nd Samuel along with the first two chapters of 1st Kings. I need to soak myself in the scriptures more than most so I can gain the discernment that is needed to write a book.

2. Go through some cool commentaries I've found. It's essential to find discrepancies among theological scholars so I can place myself on a certain debate.

3. Hopefully by this time I'll read through the scriptures again and start to get ideas on chapters. It's beginning to look like it will have three main sections (Who David was, his heart for God, and personal applications). Mind you though that I plan on making this very approachable, not like the books that seem too pretentious. My hope is that someone can pick this up without ever really knowing much about David, and get just as much out of it as the scholar next to him.

4. Then comes the really hard part that will need all of my friend's to pray for. Once it's mostly written, I have to find someone who will print the book and distribute it. I know that since I am supposed to be writing this, that God will make a way. Plus this is too far away for me to think about now. It'll come.

I am so excited to have finally started this amazing journey. I have already learned so much about God from what I have read (it'll be in the book, can't give away EVERYTHING!). Originally, before the book started making sense, I wanted to figure out a way to glorify God for giving me a way to go to school. What better way to honor Him than by using my English BA by writing a book to encourage others? It's my tithe for the blessing He has given me!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up
1 Thessalonians 5:11