This David Book-Thingy

Yesterday, I began the arduous task of writing the David book. Well, at least the preliminary aspects of it. The plan goes as follows (subject to change at God's discretion, after all it IS for Him):

1. Read, Read, re-read, and did I mention read 1st, 2nd Samuel along with the first two chapters of 1st Kings. I need to soak myself in the scriptures more than most so I can gain the discernment that is needed to write a book.

2. Go through some cool commentaries I've found. It's essential to find discrepancies among theological scholars so I can place myself on a certain debate.

3. Hopefully by this time I'll read through the scriptures again and start to get ideas on chapters. It's beginning to look like it will have three main sections (Who David was, his heart for God, and personal applications). Mind you though that I plan on making this very approachable, not like the books that seem too pretentious. My hope is that someone can pick this up without ever really knowing much about David, and get just as much out of it as the scholar next to him.

4. Then comes the really hard part that will need all of my friend's to pray for. Once it's mostly written, I have to find someone who will print the book and distribute it. I know that since I am supposed to be writing this, that God will make a way. Plus this is too far away for me to think about now. It'll come.

I am so excited to have finally started this amazing journey. I have already learned so much about God from what I have read (it'll be in the book, can't give away EVERYTHING!). Originally, before the book started making sense, I wanted to figure out a way to glorify God for giving me a way to go to school. What better way to honor Him than by using my English BA by writing a book to encourage others? It's my tithe for the blessing He has given me!

Therefore encourage one another and build each other up
1 Thessalonians 5:11

1 Thoughts on my thoughts:

Stephen Doane said...

I'm excited, and cannot wait until your ready to sit down and write this thing! My prayers are with you.