I Love You

I think that one of the most single greatest things that Liz does is love me. Honestly, through any argument she has been able to show exponential amounts of love. The love she shows me, is a love that grows in time, encourages, and is comforting. I'm glad she's the one I get to see walk down that aisle, dance (like retards) with, and have movie nights with. All in all, when it comes to Liz's sole character, it IS love. That's a cool thing to know, and I'm certain all of my readers who know this woman can attest to the genuine love she radiates. It is truly amazing.

Wow Ryan, how did that come up?

Well, like all of my emotions when regarding Liz, they come quickly and like a huge wave. I feel so much love from this woman, that I can't even begin to explain the sheer beauty of her love. It's awesome.

The whole spark started at Bed, Bath, and Beyond earlier today. We finished our registry there (YAY!). Going up and down, around and through the aisles made me realize that "hey, this is for real". I couldn't help but keep looking over at Liz and thinking "we're here because this woman loves me. Stupid jokes, graying hair, and all. She loves me". It felt like that moment in "Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer" when the girl reindeer tells Rudolph he's cute and he ends up flying (she thinks I'm cuuuuuuuttteee!). You get the picture.

So really, this was a soapbox moment for me to see how lucky I am to have this awesome woman who loves me regardless of my faults and craziness.

I love you, dear.

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