I Know There's An Answer

I'm sitting in my Starbucks, listening to the Beach Boy's "Pet Sounds" album. An old friend always used to rant and rave about the album. I always equated it to the usual surf music. I never thought that I'd be listening to it constantly now. My Uncle Michael recently let me borrow his vinyl copy (a nice gesture I might add). He's always been a huge Beach Boys fan. I remember riding in the car with him and my cousin Robbie, blasting "Rhonda" as we go to get a bite to eat somewhere.

In fact, the Beach Boys have really always been a part of my life, I guess that's I never gave a big hullah-baloo when other friends started talking about them like they're the best thing since sliced bread. They had been background music for most of my childhood. I remember my dad playing "Surfin USA" as my brother and I would act as if we were riding Big Kahunas.

Good times...

As the time flies by quickly (less than three months till the big day), I can't help but think about so many things that are coming up. I have to help Liz move, along with most of belongings and then say goodbye to her for weeks. Then I have to randomly drive up to DC for countless Government job interviews. Here's to hoping that I get an awesome job. My resume looks great, if not for the fact that I have volunteer organizations, a hard working history, highly needed skills (language, computer proficiency, etc.), and a stellar list of recommendation letters. It's all there. Now I just have to survive the next few months without health insurance, no money, and tons of love to give to others.

I'm wondering what will happen once I move up there. Will this book get a new wind? Will I ever actually go to Law School? What about married life? All I know right now is that I'm gonna have the coolest person next to me, and God in charge of my future. From the outside it looks drastically scary, but from where I'm sitting I couldn't be more happy and comfortable.

2 Thoughts on my thoughts:

Liz said...

I love your last paragraph! :) You're so sweet, love. I can't imagine spending my life with anyone other than you.

Jenny said...

Okay, "Pet Sounds" is one of the greatest albums OF ALL TIME. I'm so glad you're enjoying it.