Honestly, it's not the customer that drives me crazy when I'm working at the bux. It just happens to be their drinks. And even that doesn't bother me, I love making the complicated ones (Iced 5 shot venti, two pump raspberry, non-fat, light ice latte). It's ones that ruin my pace and time with the other drinks. The most common one being two people ordering two cappuccinos. They take up time because I can't leave the milk alone, I need to maintain aeration and make sure I don't burn the milk.
However, today is a day to be written down in history. Today my friend, I had to make over 10 strawberry banana smoothies in a 2 hour period rush, while solo bar-ing. If you aren't a barista at the bux, you could care less, but I must tell you that this is no fun feat. It requires almost five minutes per drink, all of your attention, and it takes forever to pour and clean up after. Take that, add 5 drinks everytime one is ordered and you had my work shift. EVEN regulars who normally drink brewed coffee wanted to have one:
"Fred! How are you! Want a grande coffee today?"
"Actually Ryan, I'd like to try something new."
Oh, crap.
"Sure! If you like coffee, you should try it iced, it's my favorite."
"No, I think I want something frozen."
Oh, crap. Please no.
"A frappuccino?"
"Yeah sure."
"Alright which type?"
Almost in the clear....
"One of those Strawberry Banana things"
Such is the life of a Barista. Someday I'll have a salary job, and I'll do this exact same thing to a barista. But I'll apologize for the inconvenience.
In other news, Liz finally watched Jurassic Park with me last night. She was quoted many times in saying "You know I don't like suspenseful movies!" clinging every tightly to my arm or back. I swear I have bruises from the girl. I think she enjoyed it though, she laughed and squealed at all the right parts, so that is always a plus.
After the "intense" movie Liz and I grabbed some water from the kitchen where a fly kept constantly flying into my face. After many attempts at trying to kill the darn thing it went away, never to return that night. Liz tokened it as a "velocifly". cute!
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