Conquering Dirtied Lands

After a long and arduous journey, I have officially cleaned Liz's room.

Seriously, it was like a dungeon during the time of the Black Death. Sifting through her piles of clean clothes, balled up kleenex, and discarded receipts, I became afraid that there would a monster lurking in her room. I'm thinking of something that was a cross breed. A mut that was part monster from "Where the Wilds Things Are" and part sea creature from that dumpster in "Star Wars".

I am Sir Gawain, conquering the Green Knight, whilst vanquishing the town's pilfered clothing that can stand on their own.

I am, in essence, rescuing Liz from a frightful welcome when she hits her bedroom and recognizing the mess she had when she left. I wouldn't want to come home to a dirty bedroom, so I helped her.

Really, to give her credit it wasn't all that dirty. I just like to fabricate these really cool images in my head in order to make the task go by quicker. For example, when I spray the windows with glass cleaner, it isn't just Windex, but a Clint Eastwood-esque moment where I draw my revolver in a stand-off. I know I sound like a weirdo, but Liz and I like to dream and it keeps me in a optomistic mood. Because of this, I think I'll keep it going. After all, to live like Peter Pan, you're not allowed to grow up. Ever.

I miss London. I miss Kensington Gardens (which we didn't get to see, but will next time [hopefully April of next year]). I miss Liz. And I miss Fruit Stripe bubble gum.

Oh well time to write for Environmental History of South Africa, run a bit outside, and then chill watching "The Last Call": a movie (with Nev Campbell) about the final years of F. Scott Fitzgerald's life. Dr. Mangum is letting me borrow it; here's to hoping it is worth it!

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